Ecclesiology - The Doctrine of the Church with Dr. Joel Houston

Register: Dates: May 6, 13, 20, 27, 2024 6 - 8 p.m. CST What is the Church? Is it a building, a community, or something more?

This course will examine ecclesiology, the doctrine of the Church. Topics will include scriptural images of, and language concerning the Church; the historical development of the doctrine of the Church; the nature and mission of the Church; the marks of the Church (one, holy, catholic, and apostolic) and a brief consideration of the sacraments. Students will gain an appreciation for the ongoing work of Christ through the Church, and its relevance for the world today.  Texts: Avis, Paul. The Anglican Understanding of the Church: An Introduction, 2nd Edition, London: SPCK Publishing, 2013 and Dever, Mark. 9 Marks of a Healthy Church, 4th Edition, Illinois, Crossway, 2021. 

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