Proclamation and Method: Tools for Christian Preaching with Ryan Turnbull

Wednesdays 6:00-8:45pm April 30 - July 2, 2025 Dr. Ryan Turnbull will teach this preaching course REGISTER AT:

Description: This course trains students in methods of biblical interpretation for the purpose of preaching. Each week, students will be introduced to a different hermeneutical approach to Scripture. These methods will cover a wide array of methods, both from the history of the church, and from contemporary critical approaches to texts. After being introduced to the method, each week students will have a chance to practice applying the method to the assigned lectionary text for that week to see how this approach might open up possibilities for preaching. Some attention will also be given to the basics of homiletical practice. This class is appropriate both for those who are new to preaching and those who want to take their craft a step further

Registration is open until 11:59pm, April 30, 2025.

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